Operation Ouch!
Your Brilliant Body
Publisher: Little, Brown Young Reader
Have you ever wondered how long you'll spend on the toilet in your lifetime, or how many skin cells you shed in one day? Operation Ouch! Your Brilliant Body explains everything you've ever wanted to know about your body, including how it works and how it fixes itself.
In this book, based on the popular CBBC series, Dr. Chris and Dr. Xand weave their way through the human body from your brain to your toes and everywhere in-between, de-bunking myths, explaining fascinating facts and including amazing tricks you can dazzle your friends with.
Operation Ouch! is a hilarious and often grisly non-fiction book, which will appeal to readers who prefer to dip in and out, and those who are particularly interested in learning amazing, and sometimes disgusting, facts!
What you thought...
Average rating:
daniaal, 27 December 2014
This book is just awesome it has lots of fun facts about how your body work. Also it shows you some great skills such as how you can get a friend and ask the friend to sit on a chair leaning to the wall and then you pressing your finger on his forehead and try if he can stand up and if he cant.that suggests that you are stronger than him. Also there was another trick witch was based on your fingers and your hands. such as put you middle finger under your palm and then try and move your rin...
daniaal, 27 December 2014
I thought is was a very fun and interactive book it taught me lots of things I did not know and I love the layout of the book. I really enjoyed my book and would recommend it. My best part of the book was all of the body tricks and all the gross facts like your bum is your biggest muscle in your body and you produce a bath tub of spit in your lifetime
Ben, 27 November 2014
I thought that the plot of this book was quite unconvincing. Even though it was set out in a manner that kids would understand and enjoy to read. The reason for why I think this is that the book's main content was a bit too scientific. The tricks in this book were a bit unrealistic and I thought that even though I attempted them and did exactly what the instruction said I was unable to make the tricks work in real life. The twins humoristic capabilities were the only good bits in this book...
Rithvik, 21 November 2014
This a very interesting book. It teaches you a lot about the human body in a very fun way. I really like the way Xand and Chris talk to each other as it makes the book seem very realistic. Also I really like the fun and gross facts, they are both interesting and hilarious. Do you want to know how long you'll spend on the toilet in your lifetime? Then read this book! I would definitely recommend this book to a friend.
Will, 19 November 2014
This book was a very interesting book packed with lots of fascinating facts. It tours around your body stopping off at lots of the different parts of the body. It is hilarious while also being very serious. The reason I have rated it 4 star and not 5 is because I felt that it could have been more detailed. I also think that it could have had a couple more diagrams to describe the information that is given. Overall this was a good book with tons of information. I will soon be looking for mo...
Sam, 18 November 2014
I think operation ouch is a fabulous book with many interesting but useless facts. The reason that I got this book is because I love the vibrant colours on the front cover. The reason I gave this book a four stars is because I enjoyed reading it although there were some flaws in this book such as I didn't like the way the book was written like a script but if you like a book that you are able to just dip in and out of this is the book for you .
Lucy, 18 November 2014
I think this book is full of facts and really funny! Xand and Chris are really funny and think like children do! If you think something, the next line you read will possibly have the answer in it! This book is probably the best human body book I 've ever read (believe me, I have read plenty of human body books!). The blurb really attracted my attention because it had crazy stuff written on it like: You spend one year on the toilet! Overall, I thought this book was really interesting and hi...
Tharsika, 18 November 2014
I thought this book was really good and had many facts. The reason I gave it 4/5 stars was mainly because the facts were interesting but I don't think it was perfect, this book is the sort of book I would read as you don't have to read it from front to back you can jump in and out.
Melita, 18 November 2014
I think this book is very good in the way of teaching kids to learn important information about the Human Body. I love this book because it teaches me stuff as well as at it is a funny book! This book also has weird facts which are hilarious and Xand and Chris are interacting with each other as if they are there in real life! The blurb instantly catches your attention with some crazy facts and by reading it makes you eager to want to read more. I would recommend this to children of 5 to 13...
Hamza, 13 November 2014
I think this is very interesting and funny. it teaches us about our bodies but in a way where it doesn't bore us (like when our parents give us lectures)
madeleine, 22 October 2014
A pretty interesting book I'd definetly recommend to others
Johnathan, 21 October 2014
Ilike this book because it is interesting and funny.I also watch the tv show on CBBC. :)
Will, 17 October 2014
this is good
bob, 17 October 2014
I really like Operation Ouch because it tells me interesting facts e.g. did you know? Your nose can detect over ten thousand different scents! This book is also very funny because they argue about stupid things all the time! It also is suitable for kids my age.
Ellie, 17 October 2014
this is good
Jack, 17 October 2014
this book tells you all about what happens when your at war an how upsetting it is to be away from your family for as long as you are away for. and if you have children and most of the people in this book do they have to miss there children's birthdays and there way no way of communication with there family's apart form writing in letter and just hoping it gets there.
holly, 16 October 2014
this book is very interesting I have also seen the programme and its also a bit disgusting because it tells you when people are having operations and what is wrong with them some of the injuries that happen and come into the hospital aren't very nice where as others are not so bad and I can cope with what is happening .also there is always like half way through the book or TV programme a puppet that plays a hurt character which I find quite funny
holly, 16 October 2014
This book is really interesting and helps you learn about the human body in a really fun way. It includes fun facts,activities and photos, making it easier to understand. I really recommend this book if you are interested in the human body and want to have a fun and interesting book to read. This book really IS brilliant!
Paula, 07 October 2014
This book is good
Ali, 02 October 2014
it is a really good book because it is factual and funny but also grusome
Edward, 29 September 2014
I really like the tone of Operation Ouch! - it is upbeat, bouncing back and forth between the brothers, it is informative, and it is witty. I am no expert, but it all seems very accurate. It helps that Xand and Chris are instantly likeable, even for someone who has never seen their show.
Katherine, 30 April 2014
Filled with fascinating facts, Operation Ouch! may be gory and gruesome in parts but it definitely highlights how amazing the human anatomy truly is.
Jake, 30 April 2014
Have you ever wondered how long you'll spend on the toilet in your lifetime, or how many skin cells you shed in one day? Operation Ouch! Your Brilliant Body explains everything you've ever wanted to know about your body, including how it works and how it fixes itself. In this book, based on the popular CBBC series, Dr. Chris and Dr. Xand weave their way through the human body from your brain to your toes and everywhere in-between, de-bunking myths, explaining fascinating facts and includin...