Not That Pet!

(1 reviews with an average rating of 5 out of 5)

Publisher: Walker Books

Mabel’s mum takes her to the pet shop with a very exciting mission: to choose a pet for the whole family! There’s so much choice, though, that Mabel makes a few rather unusual selections: an elephant that sits on Mum is exchanged for the ants that march their way into Dad’s underpants, an easily surprised skunk and a wriggly snake. None of the pets are quite right, until, in the end, Mabel finds the animal that’s just right for her family…

An enjoyable rhyming book featuring a nicely represented mixed race family, Not That Pet! is perfect for young families considering bring an animal into their lives, and a lovely story about an everyday family and their dynamics. Grandma and Grandpa also live with the family (there’s an adorable cross section of Mabel’s house showing everyone in their separate bedrooms and the lovely details of home) which it’s also good to see, for families with more than two generations under their roof. Lots of fun with Smriti Halls’ trademark sensitive, well-paced rhyming and Rosalind Beardshaw’s lovely, cute and wholesome illustrations.

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