Using fiction to smash stereotypes 21/03/25
11 brilliant rewilding books 20/03/25
Mr Stink
Publisher: HarperCollins Children's Books
Mr Stink, the filthy old tramp who is a permanent resident of a particular bench in the park, certainly lives up to his name.
However, his overwhelmingly awful whiff doesn't stop Chloe making friends with him and his dog and when it looks as though they may be run out of town she knows she has to do something fast and hides them in the garden shed.
As Chloe's family is quietly falling apart, Mr Stink unwittingly becomes the source of their redemption after a surprise TV appearance on Question Time.
Irreverant and charming, this is a hilarious and surprisingly touching story about secrets, love and life.
Favourite funny books (older children)
Some of the funniest books around are children's books, so you're in for a treat with these favourites below. Be careful, though - there's a danger of actual tears and serious stomach-hurt from doubling-over with laughter. Don't say we didn't warn you!
What you thought...
Average rating:
Angad, 15 August 2017
I recommend this book for 7+ because it's very adventurous. I would also recommend all David Waliams books mainly gangsta granny!
Aisha, 26 March 2017
It is an amazing book
Lindsey, 03 November 2016
In gangsta granny Ben thought his granny was borring but his granny stole jowles then he saw his granny stealing from a jolowles.
kerry-Anne, 01 May 2016
good good good good good good good good good good good good
sophie, 13 November 2015
Lovely story
sophie, 06 November 2015
This book tells you that it is OK to be different and that normal is boring and being weird is good, and spices things up a little. I loved Mr Stink, and I cried so much at the end my eyes were red as a fire engine! Chloe is a colorful character, and very positive. I wanted to kick Rosamund in the face with my foot for bullying Chloe! If you haven't read this book, you have to.
Cherryblossom13, 07 August 2015
I loved this book, found it quite amusing how stinky Mr. stink was my favourite part was when Chloe discovered her dad was in a rock band called Surpents of Doom.
WandEBookClub, 20 January 2015
This book was really funny because Mr stink had to hide in zoe's garden shed
PrincessAriel, 01 January 2015
I think Mr Stink is a very funny book explaining how tramps feel out on the road today and how they would feel if they were given a bit of love.
Rahab, 07 December 2014
This book was as funny as me going around in circle's. It was really hilarious that my head nearly popped out.
Mahad, 30 July 2013
This is a very funny book and it was funny when the prime minister in the book called Mr Stink Mr Stinky Poo.