5 fantastic farmyard books 14/03/25
Michael the Amazing Mind-reading Sausage Dog
Publisher: Firefly Press
Michael the sausage dog is extremely talented. No other dog in Snuffles-by-sea can read minds. It’s safe to say that no other dog is having as interesting thoughts as him either. They are mostly thinking about sticks, or digging holes, or food. But Michael knows that if he can harness his talent, nothing can stop him. Today Snuffles-by sea, tomorrow Hollywoof! Teaming up with his goofy new friend Stanley Big Dog, Michael enters the local talent show. After all, if Susan the Chocolate Labrador won it last year by balancing peanuts on her nose, surely Michael will smash it?
But Michael is soon to learn the fickle ways of show business and – more importantly – the importance of friendship and teamwork. Can he and Stanley Big Dog make it to the top and get their own TV show?
Told in Michael’s voice, which is very amusing as he’s self-centred and self-promoting, this is a fun read full of doggy puns. Naturally, Michael learns not to be quite as self-obsessed by the end, and to appreciate his loyal friend. Readers will love the cute illustrations by Tim Budgen and the large personality of Michael, who does not let his small size mean he’s ignored!
Mae Michael y ci llathaid yn eithriadol o ddawnus. Does yna yr un ci arall yn Snuffles-by-Sea sy’n gallu darllen meddyliau.
Gyda’i ffrind newydd hurt Stanley Big Dog, mae’n cynnig ei enw ar gyfer sioe dalent leol. Ond mae Michael yn dysgu’n fuan am natur anwadal y byd adloniant ac – yn bwysicach fyth – am bwysigrwydd cyfeillgarwch a gweithio fel tîm. A fedr Stanley ac yntau gyrraedd y brig a chael eu sioe deledu eu hunain?
Bydd darllenwyr wrth eu boddau â’r darluniadau hoffus gan Tim Budgen a phersonoliaeth fawr Michael, sydd ddim am adael i’r ffaith ei fod yn fach ei faint olygu bod pobl yn cael ei anwybyddu!
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