Luma and the Pet Dragon

Publisher: Welbeck Flame

Luma is enormously disappointed when, following a mix-up at the rescue centre, she’s unable to collect a puppy on her seventh birthday. However, when she visits Nani, her grandmother who lives next door, she is amazed to discover a talking baby dragon called Timir hiding in the garden. Luma is desperate to keep him but worries that Mum won’t agree to such an unconventional pet. Luckily, Timir transforms into a puppy when others are around, and only Luma and Nani understand him when he talks.

Timir is cute but destructive, and refuses to do as he is told. Luma is concerned that someone will discover his true identity, especially when her inquisitive cousin, Arjun, comments that he doesn’t behave much like a puppy. Luma takes him to puppy class so he can learn to blend in with other dogs, but things don’t quite go according to plan!

This book is the first in a series and contains two short stories about Luma and Timir. Their magical adventures are accompanied by amusing black-and-white illustrations, which bring the characters to life. Full of mischief and mayhem, these light-hearted tales are ideal for independent young readers.

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