5 fantastic farmyard books 14/03/25
Ice Bear
Publisher: Walker Books
A bear like no other, the polar bear is simultaneously gentle and predatory, playful and solitary, fast and graceful. Polar bears have lived in the Arctic harmoniously alongside the Inuit people, for many hundreds of years. Their self-sufficiency and survival skills have influenced the Inuits and inspired this book.
Facts about polar bears are woven alongside the lyrical text in this sumptuously illustrated picture book. The illustrations encompass the icy plains and expanses of ocean, which span the Arctic and effectively convey the gentle majesty of these beautiful animals. A delightful book to read aloud or independently, it is both informative and captivating.
Nature non-fiction (younger children)
From flora- and fauna-themed early learning books to detailed studies of species and habitats, these non-fiction nature books are perfect for any young inquisitive minds.
Picture books about polar bears
We love polar bears! Here is a selection of brilliant picture books that celebrate polar bears, whether in their natural icy habitat or having fun with other animals.