I am Rebel

Publisher: Walker Books

Rebel is a good boy. Every day is perfect. He wakes up with ‘his boy’ Tom, spends the day on the farm with Tom, and curls up on Tom’s bed at night. Sometimes there are even lamb bones for dinner! What more could a dog want? But when 12-year-old Tom joins the rebel army, Rebel must find him and rescue him. Can one small dog track his friend across mountain and village, in time to save him from the King’s army? 

This story is heartwarming and heartbreaking, all in the best possible way. No dogs are harmed, so dog lovers are safe to read it – and Rebel’s love for ‘his boy’ is so universal that even cat lovers will fall for him. It’s written in Rebel’s voice, which allows readers to sometimes understand more than he does, yet still there are shocks and twists to the story.This is an exciting, passionate book that would make a great class read, or bedtime story as the chapters are short and full of action. Rebel is a very good boy indeed. 

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