Using fiction to smash stereotypes 21/03/25
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Publisher: Bloomsbury
After the misery of life with his ghastly aunt and uncle, Harry Potter is delighted to have the chance to embark on an exciting new life at the Hogwart's School of Wizardry and Witchcraft. Learning about magic and making new friends, he has the chance to use his new-found wizarding skills to unravel some of the mysteries of his own past - and to uncover some shocking secrets about his teachers.
This brilliantly inventive, award-winning adventure story is the first in the phenomenally successful Harry Potter series. With shades of Diana Wynne Jones, Enid Blyton, Roald Dahl and Jill Murphy's The Worst Witch, this contemporary classic of children's literature is beloved by children and adults alike.
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What you thought...
Average rating:
Finlay, 06 September 2023
Anonymous, 06 September 2023
I used to LOVE Harry Potter. My favorite character is Hermione Granger. BUT I then I read the secret of platform thirteen. Read it! It is such a great book. If you read it you will see that some ideas are similar to Harry Potter. First I thought it was Harry Potters ideas but then I saw that the secret of platform thirteen was written FIRST. There are many other books where JK Rowling took an idea. It is still a great book. But I like others better.
Sarah, 23 June 2021
This book was my childhood. If youlike this book series I reccommend reading the school for good and evil By soman chainani. And If you like that maybe try out some books written by melinda Salisbury!
sophie, 23 February 2021
This book is amazing and a book that is worth reading. It introduces us to a magical world enticing to all those who read about it! Harry goes on many adventures and this series continues on with a total of seven books you should definitely read!
Ashley, 12 January 2021
This is DEFINITELY the book of the century! I started reading it because it was in my school booklist and as it was SO FAMOUS,it had me wondering what kind of magic this book holds...so i started reading it. I have read this book around 6 times and i simply canNOT get enough of it. Along with this book...i also highly recomend the other books in the harry potter series! #AHUGEPOTTERHEAD!
Maria, 19 July 2020
Jk Rowling is a legend! These books are world popular anyone 8+ will be so pleased with this book a magical school, a forbidden forest, a three headed dog! What’s better!
Martha, 13 May 2020
Because of this book I started readind novels. #loved it
tanvi, 09 May 2020
Indah, 10 February 2020
I love this book it was very fun and I enjoyed reading it
Ollie, 27 December 2019
great book with good adjectives and suspense
subaru, 06 April 2018
LOVE THIS BOOK hated reading until i read it , now i can't stop
maggie, 26 March 2018
harry potter is really amazing it is one of the best book I've read
abhi, 20 March 2018
This is the best book series I have ever read! I am a massive Harry Potter fan and love the magic of it all. My favourite book is The Half Blood Prince and my favourite movie is The Prisoner of Azkaban.
Lucy-Jessica, 14 October 2017
Really good
Aimee, 12 June 2017
So look good it's for all ages. The only thing wrong with it is you can't put it down
Rumaisa, 23 April 2017
Harry Potter is a fantastic, magical adventure full of surprises I also love the Dursleys because they are very funny! Well done J.K Rowling it's brilliant!
Oscar, 06 March 2017
Well Done! J.K Rowling another amazing book. I'm on no.3 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban at the moment great books!
Sam, 13 December 2016
I loved as it brings a series to life, I love how Harry defeats Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia's hate of him his friends, Ron and Hermoine are comical and Draco Maldfoy just an idiot. Snape is annoying and hateful but in the second book it is found out that. ;)
Leah, 08 December 2016
this book has a lot of words. but we eventually got to read it all. my dad read it to me and my brother every night and we very much enjoyed it ( he did voices too ) and now we have watched the prisoner of askaban and it was really scary. i like this book very much because it has a lot of words. i like words.
bobo, 13 September 2016
Harry Potter is the best book series I have ever read in my whole life. I am currently reading the last book and I am devestated to be taking my last adventure with Harry. I would recommend this book for children between the age of nine and fifteen.
Kale, 23 July 2016
I just love this book it's AMAZING...thanks to j.k Rowling to write this brilliant book, you are great.
Zara, 21 June 2016
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone: the first magical novel in the Harry Potter series, is a fantastic book in which a young boy discovers that he is a wizard, goes to the best school of witchcraft and wizardry known (Hogwarts), and embarks on all sorts of adventures. This award winning author, J.K Rowling, has made a world so realistic in the Philosopher’s Stone, that it feels as though you’re in that world too, which is exactly what you get in a good book. Harry P...
Eleanor, 08 June 2016
I love this book! It is so imaginative and magical. So enchanting, I would love to be Harry and be in his world.
Ellie, 02 June 2016
I really enjoyed this book, the author has really expressed the feelings of Harry throughout the book.
Ella, 19 May 2016
Best book ever, it starts off boring but gets so much better. Recommend to everyone.
Isabel, 16 May 2016
i really really liked this book, it is so magical but also very mysterious and in some parts a little scary!
Violet10, 12 May 2016
why read any other books but this is amazing and always will be it is the first in the series and jk Rowling is the most talented woman who walks this earth. it is a very gripping book from start to finish and will make you want to read more and more.
cassie, 14 March 2016
I have read this book a million times and I love it. I read it when I was a child and I still love it I recommend this book to harry potter fans everywhere. Don't just watch the movie read the books they r more lively than the film!!
Jess, 03 March 2016
Harry Potter and the philosophy stone is an amazing book, go ahead and read the right now
Abbie, 05 February 2016
I read in harry potter that he is so good to his/her friends and if there's have a problem he can solve them and harry potter was so kind and a gentleman.
Charm, 28 November 2015
The best I could imagine! Sublime, splendid,superior these words came all into my mind and got the attention of me faster than the speed of lighting. J.K Rowling's boils are bulbs what anyone can imagine. Thank you for being an author as it has opened up a whole new world for me .
ilisa, 27 October 2015
brilliant book recommend age 7-12
zara, 26 October 2015
I am reading an Alan Garner book, The Weirdstone of Brisingamen, at the moment, at school. I could make really good connections with this book and the Harry Potter book. Both the books have good and bad magic and I just think that you should read both the books and see whether you can find any more connections! (But there is a scary bit at the end of Harry Potter.....)
Heather, 28 June 2015
a bit boring
keiran, 22 June 2015
THIS REVIEW CONTAINS SPOILERS! Harry Potter finds out that he is a wizard then Hagrid comes and whisks Harry to Diagon Alley to get his wizard stuff then Hagrid tells Harry how to get to Hogwarts! The next day Harry Potter goes on the Hogwarts Express and has a fantastic term with his friends but there's one slight problem Draco Malfoy and his friends Goyle and Crabbe are horrible to Him. Harry's arch enemy is Vol- He who must not be named! I know this is a fantasy book because it is full ...
Book Wizard, 08 June 2015
This book is totally amazing. Let me confess but I hate hate hated reading before I stared harry potter. It true. I hated reading. But now cause of harry potter reading is my all time favourite. I have found my love for reading. My imagination opened. Not only it changed my mind about reading but it taught me how to actually describe things. Harry potter include some powerfull descriptive language. I hated writing too because I was rubbish at it. I had no immagination, I had...
Namih, 01 February 2015
really cool book, bit scary at the end, love it and recommend it (first book of Harry Potter series)
Alexandra, 22 November 2014
it is the best book you should read it
sophie, 26 October 2014
You have to read this book it is full of magical moments, its so GOOD!!!!!!!
Nathan, 06 July 2014
This book was my childhood essentially. It founded my values of the world and taught me right from wrong. I can't recall how many times I've read the entire series but every time I still get chills, I still race to the bottom of the page in hunger for words I already know by heart. This book, this series, is an art collection and a gift to our generation and all to come.
Rose, 05 November 2013
It was one of the best books I ever encountered. So a big thumbs up to JKR.
Ayush, 05 November 2013
Harry Potter's world is so amazing. makes me cry, smile, laugh, and ... if you haven't read hp series. youre not cool :))
Draco's crush, 03 November 2013
It's a great book!!! If you are old enough to read, then you have to read this book :)
efrat, 02 November 2013
Harry Potter defines a whole generation of children from all around the globe... Its the best!!
Purvi, 02 November 2013
The book, I must say is the very best. It showed the world what is true fantasy and created the wizarding world in a realistic form.
Alexandro, 02 November 2013
It was a great book! I couldn't put any of the books in the series down, really discriptive words and visuals.
H.P.F!, 02 November 2013
the best book !
Isabel, 02 November 2013
I enjoyed this book but it took a while for me to get into it but after that I read all of the Harry Potter books and really enjoyed them all!
Aneeka, 22 October 2013
I love the Harry Potter books, they are so inventive and funny and you get really attached to the characters. The Philosopher's Stone is brilliant because it just starts it all off, and once I started it I couldn't put it down.
mollie, 10 October 2013
i loved it and i recomend it to harry potter fans