Geek Girl
Publisher: HarperCollins
Everyone at school knows Harriet Manners is a geek – she’s always spouting random facts, has zero fashion sense and can often be found in a tangled heap on the floor after falling over. But Harriet just can’t see why this means everyone seems to hate her. Her nemesis Alexa goes out of her way to trip her up, point out her flaws and make her life miserable. At least she has best friend Nat to keep her sane. But when the class takes a trip to the Clothes Show Live and Nat is desperate to get spotted as a model – only Harriet does instead – she has to choose between the reinvention she believes will change her life at school, and stealing her best friend’s dream…
Events in the book are loosely based on author Holly Smale’s real-life experience of falling into modeling as a geeky teen, which makes Harriet’s struggle to accept herself in the face of bullies all the more touching. Not only this, but the writing is genuinely funny and the facts littered throughout will appeal to all the real life geek girls out there looking for a lead character to identify with. Although billed as a teen title, the content is gentle and appropriate for younger readers – romance enters peripherally, but like Louise Rennison, Smale never goes further than 'snogging' territory. With the current wave of empowerment for all the geeks out there, Geek Girl is the perfect title to transition 10-12 year olds into teen reading with a positive message and plenty of laughs along the way.
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What you thought...
Average rating:
Ava, 05 January 2024
Super cool book also how many books are in a series
Annie, 07 October 2022
wow! i was so engaged in this book i managed to read it in less then 10 days! it gave me so many mixed emotions, i was laughing at times and i was even crying at times. i really recommend this book!
talia, 03 September 2019
This was a heartwarming and funny story. I laughed so hard and I read this book finished as soon as I opened it! I love this book so much and I definitely recommend this book to 10-15 year olds. My favorite book!!!
Sophie, 02 May 2019
I really enjoyed this book and recommend it. READ IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shivanushka, 30 March 2019
this book was truly amazing. It was humorous but also gave an insight to the real world and life.
superman, 26 May 2017
charlie, 19 May 2017
This book is funny and based on real life mistakes I love this book cant wait for the new book geek girl 6.i recommend this book to anyone who like funny and friendship books
samah, 28 December 2016
This book is so addicting. I bought it for my older cousin once and she loved it. I thought I wouldn't really like it because I'm more into the violent books but i got it from my high school libary and as soon as I started reading it, I'm able to say that I am a complete bookworm. This is now one of my all-time favourite books and trust me ive read a LOT! I reccomend it to anyone in between the age 9-18. It is a book for all ages.
Amelia, 03 December 2016
I love this book waiting to get all that glitters -soooooooo fab by the way couldn't stop reading it really engaging👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Lolo, 07 July 2016
When I brought this book 📚 I was so into it I loved it soooo much 😃
Acelya, 16 April 2016
I think it is a amazing book I enjoyed alot Holly you rock I got from geek to chick, model misfit,picture perfect and all that glitters i got the books on Easter and i have finished the first book i have just started the second book its amazing so far holly your the best auther ever. And you have really inspired me to be a model but don't worry I will still be me i will always be me!😉😆🙈
Annaleise, 02 April 2016
I love this book! its really relatable and funny! I cant wait to get the other two books:)
Lucy, 25 March 2016
It is an amazing book. I couldn't put it down
Read, 07 March 2016
this book is really good if you're into fashion and geek stuff. I won't give lots away coz I don't want to ruin it for you if you decide to read the book.
Panda953, 31 January 2016
I love these books. I could read the same one over and over again. It has loads of funny and interesting moments. I would definitely recommend them!!
Alicia, 21 January 2016
I love this book .I would recommend this book to people who like funny, friendship books.
katie, 03 November 2015
Geek girl is amazing it's so addictive and enjoyable to read. I read the world book day one and that got me reading the first one now I have three of the books and I am buying the fourth one today. I wish I could read geek girl everyday and it would never end.
Abbie, 14 June 2015
That book was very interesting.
Thuy-Lyz, 07 April 2015
This is a magnificent book based on Holly's life.I loved this book! It's brilliant. It is full of loads of funny moments! I would definitely recommend it! Thank you Bookbuzz for bringing such a good selection of books to our school!
Leanne, 24 March 2015
This book is very good.
Shree, 01 March 2015
I think that this book is epic!! It is really, really humorous and everybody will love this get stuck in!!!!!
Bethany, 25 February 2015
I like this book because it is interesting and entertaining.
Shree, 07 February 2015
This book is so interesting and amazing.I love it so much and im so glad that I won two free books from bookbuzz but I still dont know how to get the prize sent to me?
Deborah, 07 February 2015
I loved this book! It's brilliant. It is full of loads of funny moments! I would definitely recommend it! Thank you Bookbuzz for bringing such a good selection of books to our school!
Keisha, 03 February 2015
Hi Ayesha - Thanks for your review of Geek Girl (28 Jan) it gave us lots to think about and discuss amongst the team. As is often the case different people will interpret books in different ways, and most of us felt that Geek Girl is a story about being whatever you want to be rather than having to be one thing or another. We'd love to get more reviews and see what other people think as well.
The Bookbuzz team, 02 February 2015
Once I went to see Holly Smale give a talk on the book and it inspired me to read it. Now I've read all 3 and am looking forward to the next one coming out. Believe it or not these books are actually based on something that happened to Holly Smale. Harriet is a great character, she's really easy to relate to. It covers the trials and tribulations of a normal girl who becomes a model. She considers modelling as her metamorphasis from a geekish caterpillar into a beautiful but...
fawn_on_fire, 31 January 2015
I think this book is terrible. It teaches young girls that don't know any better that not being braindead (or a 'geek', as Holly Smale so kindly put it) is a bad thing. Harriet literally stops being a 'geek' because others don't like it. At the beginning of the book, Harriet enjoys being smart but for some reason she has to change. Why can't you know a lot AND be 'pretty'?? I despise this book and despair for the poor girls that agree with its message.
Ayesha, 28 January 2015
I find this book really good and it keeps me interested!
Shree, 26 January 2015
I love this book so far. It makes me think that I can do anything! I love how Harriet has a lot of confidence in her self and doesn't care that people call her a geek.
Natalie, 20 January 2015
I like this book because it has a lot going on and I like that in a book
hannah, 20 January 2015
I'm sorry but I found this book fairly average. It had everything that you would expect in a book but with such a predictable, repetitive plot I found it quite disappointing
Olivia, 13 January 2015
This book has boosted my level for reading now i understand
Alicia, 05 January 2015
So far from reading this book it is so good and i definitely will get the series i recommend these books for the age 10 to 14 because it is a bit to difficult for under tens to understand and a bit to babyish for 15 years and older that's why i would recommend it between this age group i hope from reading this review i can help you decide weather this is the perfect book for you.
katelyn, 22 December 2014
It was realy good because she is a normal geek and then she terns into a popular model.
Marija, 11 December 2014
I love this book it is AMAZING
Terri, 10 December 2014
This book is really interesting!!! :)
Shree, 07 December 2014
i really wanted this book but i didnt get it i really love geek girl but when i had the opthon i chose a nother one insed of this one but next time i will try and get this one and not a nothetr one i love all the geek girl book constdering i have never read them i still love the front cover of the book i really want one but i havent asked my dad if i can order one i wil soon
emily, 02 December 2014
This book is awesome she is a great author
Kaydie, 25 November 2014
I really enjoyed this book. It was very gripping and I could not put it down. I thought the plot was interesting and included lots of twists and turns. I loved the fact that she (the geek who thought she would never get a chance as a model) was asked to be a model rather than her friend (a naturally pretty girl who had been wanting to be a model since she was young). It was very comical! I loved the way it all seemed so surreal; a normal girl going to one of the best modelling companies in...
Hannah, 21 November 2014
I think this was a fantastic book because, firstly, it was written very well, with the book making you cry (with laughter and sadness). It is really funny because the girl in the book, Harriet Manners, is a geek and when her friend takes her to a fashion show, even though she ends up wearing a sports kit, she gets spotted by a crazy fashion agent, Wilbur, and that's where her journey begins. She travels all around the world and does fashion shoots and everywhere she goes she seems to see h...
Gina, 20 November 2014
Harriet Manners is quirky and a geek. I like the way the book is sets in a school at first and then it moves to different settings e.g. London and France. Not only does it have some weird facts; it is also very amusing to read! I like her problem with being a geek and trying to transform into being chic by becoming a model. This book had me hooked from beginning to end!
Elly, 20 November 2014
I think this book is amazing! It is really funny and very relatable. It is really interesting and it made me want to keep finding out what happened. I think that people should get this book if they want to laugh, enjoy themselves and have an amazing time reading!
Wisdom, 20 November 2014
I quite liked this book although I found the beginning a bit boring but began to realize that it became better as the book went on. I probably would recommend it to a friend who enjoys girly books as it is all to do with models and makeovers.
Charlotte, 18 November 2014
Book 1 in the Geek Girl series is an excellent book, which I totally recommend. I will tell you a bit about it. There is a girl called Harriet Manners who is a total geek. Harriet hates fashion with a capital H! However, her best friend Nat, loves fashion. Nat has always wanted to be a model since the age of seven. I love this book because of how Harriet doesn't like to be anything but her self (a geek).Will Harriet stay her normal self or will her agent change her whether she likes it or ...
Hattie, 13 November 2014
it's a really good book but try to make more espisode alright you do, a great job holly by the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brianna, 04 November 2014
I really like this book!
Shree, 30 October 2014
i love geek girl it is sooooooooo FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!
yasmin, 21 October 2014
this book is EPIC !!!!!!!!!!!! Geek girl is very funny and captures you as you follow Harriet Manners in this amazing book. It also gives a few unusual facts throughout the book.It also is based on Holly Smale's real life experience of being a model as well as making you think twice before you laugh at the geek in your class. It is extremely enjoyable and I highly recomend you read it.
A DIFFERENT SOPHIA, 19 October 2014
As soon as I read the first sentence I immediately fell in love with it. I'm really into funny, weird and very realistic book. That is exactly what Geek Girl is. My favourite character is definitely Harriet Manners.
Chloe, 19 October 2014
I have now read the next 3 more chapters and as you read more and more into the book, it gets more interesting. I really like this book and I can't wait to read a lot more of it. I think that Holly Smale's writing is fantastic and she makes her stories very adventurous!
Shree, 19 October 2014
its really fun and intresting i like it mush :)
Holly, 17 October 2014
This book is really good its more than good it is brilliant. When i got the book geek girl i knew just by looking at the front cover and reading the blurb it would be fantastic to read.I loved the way chapter one started. It is so funny when Harriet Manners was vommited all over. I havent finished reading geek girl yet but i am on chapter 45. I love the style of the listing in the book and the style of the front cover. The characters in the book are very funny and i cant wait to find out w...
Elle, 17 October 2014
I find this book quite girly i have dug deep into it straight away as soon as i opend the book i couldnt belive my ies the amount of writing but strangely it felt as though it took 10 seconds before i got to chapter 2 then, 3 then, 4 and now i am already on page 23 im loving it alo im not a big reader im realy into it! i like the fact that she talks to you as though she is standing rite in front of you.and also the front cover is outstanding (from geek to chik.) it made me whant to pik it ...
Eleaner, 17 October 2014
I think this book is good because its quite girly. I also think its good because when you get to chapter 1 she gets straight in to it and she tells you what people do to her at school and she said that they bully her. I like this book because its not babyish and its more my age. i also like this book because she talks like she is talking to her mam or someone like that. I love this book so far.
Katie, 17 October 2014
This book is really good so far. I've just read to chapter 5 and already it is amazing. In the first few chapters it tells you about herself and her bestfriend Nat. I'm looking foorward to sseing what happens further on in the story. Geek Girl is a fantastic book for older children and people who are into these types of stories.
Amy, 17 October 2014
I really enjoy this book becouse its really funny and intresting.
MEISHA, 17 October 2014
I really enjoyed this book
alexandra, 17 October 2014
it is amazing and is very funny how she turns from geek to chic!!!!!!!!!
Jessica, 16 October 2014
Hello. I have been reading Geek Girl by Holly Smale. I have just got to chapter 29 (out of the 74 chapters) and it is all ready really, really amazing. I had just read the first three chapters when I decided that it was my favourite book in the world!!! It is very funny and some great description in involved. My favourite character is Harriet Manners.
sophia, 15 October 2014
I have now read the next few chapters and I really love this book because it makes you want to read on and it's very entertaining:)
Shree, 13 October 2014
i want this book becoue its cool and looks gecky
alinoor, 11 October 2014
loved this book :) :) :)
Nikki!!!, 11 October 2014
i loved this book i have just read the first chapter and its awesme
alicia, 11 October 2014
I've only read the first few chapters and I'm already inside the characters heads, love this book.
Chloe, 10 October 2014
I really like the title Geek Girl! I've only read about 4 or 5 chapters about it and I can already tell that it's a really good book. I enjoy reading this because it keeps me entertained:)... I would definitely recommend this to people aged 11+, who like stories about fashion and mainly girly things. It's a great book! Definitely a 5 star!:)
Shree, 09 October 2014
this is a funny and engaging book.It's about a girl named Harriet Manners who becomes a geek to chick! I strongly recommend this book to everyone who likes to read because it's truly amazing.I agree with evreyone and anyone who likes this book!!!!!
caitlyn, 09 October 2014
I love this book it is so interesting and inspiring so everyone read this book.
Bethany, 09 October 2014
Sounds Cool!
Kacy, 09 October 2014
I'm glad i chose this book because it's very good and in a way you understand what harriet manners goes through, espeshily on pg 99- pg 103.i reccomend this book to whoever wants or has it!!!!
emma, 08 October 2014
I really love this book its great. Love the rest in the series Great read!!!!
Jess, 07 October 2014
I have recently got this book and have just read the first few chapters and can already say that this is a really awesome book! ♥
Me, 06 October 2014
loved it
Amy, 04 October 2014
Best book
haika, 03 October 2014
I have only read the first chapters and already i am engaged to this book. i cant wait to read the rest of it!
bob, 03 October 2014
This is a really intersesting book and keeps you gripped and you just want to read more and is also very funny
Louise, 03 October 2014
Emily, 30 September 2014
i love geek girl I think its a amazing story
marta, 30 September 2014
Nesiarodason, 29 September 2014
it looks brilliant
Poppy, 29 September 2014
this book is amazing although i have only read a few pages i cant wait to read it anit
Taeh, 29 September 2014
bob, 29 September 2014
I loved it
Taeh, 26 September 2014
Taeh, 26 September 2014
Great read you should enjoy this if ur looking for a dramatic book this is 4 u so use ur 1 free book on this.
GET REKT, 26 September 2014
Krithika, 24 September 2014
this book looks really funny I cant wait to read it !
Lily, 24 September 2014
I love Holly smales books I think she's amazing! This book is great i recomend it for everyone else! Great book Holly! xx
Jenny, 24 September 2014
Molly, 22 September 2014
Amazing series! Read all of them, can't wait for the next one coming in 2015!!!
Elise, 16 September 2014
This book was a total page turner! I'm so in love with these books i'm reading the next one in the series.
Jessica, 06 September 2014
This book is one of my favourite all time books! Holly Smale has done an amazing job and Harriet is just like me!! Definitely give this book a chance and if you do, you will love it!
Jessica, 04 June 2014
This book is so funny in fact its ridiculously funny I really like the style of holly smales writing read it it will temp you to read more
lois, 21 May 2014
love it. It is sooooo funny
rosie, 20 May 2014
Great Book! Couldn't put it down. I would reccomend it to more confident readers as it is is quite a scientific read.
Hannah, 19 May 2014
Amazing book! i would reccommend for higher ages as it is quite a wordy and scientific sort of book. very captivating and interesting storyline, overall a great book- couldnt put it down!
Emily, 19 May 2014
I thought Harriet was excellent - very intelligent, completely flawed, and highly relatable. But the novel is carried by the other characters: Harriet's father, a childish, impulsive man who gets more excited about the trip to Russia than his daughter; her stepmother, far from the evil stereotype of so many fairy tales, she is an sharp woman, a lawyer, always one step ahead of Harriet and her father, and incredibly loving and forgiving; and Wilbur ("with a bur, not iam"), the most ridiculo...
Katherine, 30 April 2014
Geek Girl is one of the funniest books I have read for a long time. Harriet Manners is a great main character and many young people who have been picked on at school for not fitting in with the crowd will find it easy to relate to her. Holly Smale’s writing is full of personality, and the story imparts an important message about being true to yourself, without it ever sounding preachy.
Darren, 30 April 2014
amazing adventures