Using fiction to smash stereotypes 21/03/25
Flour Babies
Publisher: Puffin
Class 4C are disgusted. They know the teachers think they’re stupid but that’s not an excuse to give them flour babies! Of all the projects they could have got for the school science fair (exploding custard tins, maggot farm, soap factory) how did they end up with flour babies?
Well, that might have something to do with Simon Martin. He persuades them that if they can look after their little bags of flour, as if they are actual babies, for the three weeks of the project, they will be rewarded with a massive flour fight once the experiment is over.
But has Simon got the wrong end of the stick?
In a classic story which is funny, touching and insightful, the boys in 4C learn much more than they had expected from the flour babies project.
Many decide that parenthood is too awful to contemplate; others discover feelings of gratitude towards their own parents; one takes the opportunity to develop his entrepreneurial spirit. But Simon, who has always felt deprived because his mum is a single parent, learns the most valuable lesson: that the quality of parenting is so much more important than the quantity of parents.
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What you thought...
Average rating:
Esme, 17 September 2023
Marcio, 20 January 2023
This book like you said is a great mix of humor and touching moments, great read!
Evie, 27 December 2019
Anne Fine makes you feel like you are there, viewing the story as an observer. I couldn't put it down! Through the school experiment, the son began to realise how difficult it was for his mother to raise him as a single parent. The 'flour baby' demystified his idolisation of his absent father.
Farrah, 17 March 2016
Love it
Ebony, 25 August 2015
Hi. I have not read this book, as I can't find it in stores and am not allowed to buy off the internet. but it sounds like a good book to read and I would like to buy it and if anyone could tell me where they bought theirs, that would be appreciated by me. Thanks for the website, it's great. Bye!
Sarah K, 10 June 2015
Miggles:), 30 October 2014
Love it
John, 28 April 2014
Wow, excellent book
Lucy, 04 February 2014
I loved this book as a child. I remember seeing it reviewed in 'Mizz' magazine and buying it, despite being younger than the recommended age at the time. I loved it so much, I still own a copy of it.
Amy, 07 October 2013
a very good book
george, 17 June 2013
Read it at school as part of our reading challenge so good. Would highly reccomend to people who enjoy anne fines other books