11 brilliant rewilding books 20/03/25
Ella Jones vs the Sun Stealer
Publisher: Scholastic
12-year-old Ella Jones has been blind for two years, adjusting to life with the help of her guide dog Maisie. And when a vengeful pagan god suddenly plunges all humans into darkness, it’s down to Ella to save the world.
She doesn’t need any superpowers, just her experience of navigating without light with her trusty dog. Ella and Maisie must trek across London, with Ella’s sister Poppy and her best friend Finn, piecing together the way to defeat the powerful Lugh. But there are many dangers waiting for them in the dark...
Lucy Edwards herself went blind at 17, and is a vocal and active disability campaigner. She’s written this with bestselling author Katy Birchall and the combination of lived experience, high-stakes plot and compelling detail makes for a gripping read.
Ella is a normal 12-year-old, dealing with school and friendship issues, making her a relatable heroine. Part of her hopes that this period of darkness for everyone will bring changes in accessibility and how she is treated.
Stories like this provide a chance to read about another’s point of view, allowing all readers to develop empathy.
Visual impairment in books
This list is made up of books featuring characters who are blind or visually impaired, as well as books which include characters with glasses and/or eye patches in a natural and positive way. Books here cover a range of ages, from little ones up to teenagers.