5 Fantastic Farmyard Books 14/03/25
Each Peach Pear Plum
Publisher: Puffin
'Each peach pear plum, I spy Tom Thumb...'
This classic book from author and illustrator team Janet and Allan Ahlberg is a real favourite with families. Each beautifully illustrated page encourages them to 'spy' another familiar fairy-tale or nursery rhyme character. The excellent rhyming text and charming illustrations work perfectly together, and children will love spotting all the hidden details in each picture.
Baby's First Books
It's never too soon to start enjoying books and reading - and these engaging baby books are the perfect places to start.
Best books for babies 0-12 months
Babies love snuggling up close with you and listening to your voice. Here's our selection of fantastic books to try with your baby.
Sharing rhymes with very young children helps them become familiar with the patterns of language and helps them develop their understanding of how language works.
Fairy tales
Tales to spark the imagination. From brilliant retellings of classic stories to an ogre doing yoga in a foggy forest - pre-schoolers and toddlers will love them all.
Fruit and vegetables
It can be hard to persuade your little ones to eat their greens, but these fun picture books may help to send a healthy eating message.
What you thought...
Average rating:
Granny B, 08 March 2021
Children love looking for the characters hidden in the pictures. Good pace story.
K, 24 May 2017
My son is only a few weeks old, but he already seems to love this book. I think it's the rhythm of it. I loved it as a child which is why I chose to buy it for my son.
Ruthee, 24 April 2017
A story to grow with... from enjoying the rhyme you can progress to spotting the character and guessing who they could be.
TMasterbuilder, 01 February 2017
Brilliant boo, my daughter loves listening to the rhymes and my older daughter loves pointing out the hidden characters x
Bellatina, 23 September 2016
I loved this book as a child and my LO loves it too - not just for the rhyming but it also has so much content in the pictures. We play lots of spotting games ("can you find the cat?").
L_ChMa, 13 July 2016
Lovely book to share with your toddler. My son loves the beautiful illustrations and playing along with the "I spy" game and finding the different characters hidden on each page.
Sharon1, 10 July 2016
My son loves the illustrations, there is so much detail and so much to spot on every page. A true classic!
Quizny, 22 February 2016
Lovely pictures and good fun looking for the characters
Kym687, 04 February 2016
Really amazing book to read to your little one and beautiful illustrations. Lovely poetry incorporating all the well loved nursery rhyme and children's story stars.
ScarletBlossom, 11 January 2016
This was a childhood favorite for me, so now i am reading it to my little ones and they love the rhyme and the characters.
Shami, 12 December 2015
One of our favourite books, the rhyming of the story is a hit. Illustrations are fantastic; a book we can enjoy in different ways as my daughter gets older.
Cazorann, 25 November 2015
This was my favourite book and it's the same copy that we read and love now
Lj1980, 02 November 2015
Olivia loves this book, she loves the pictures! Great claasic to read :)
Olivia15, 17 September 2015
Our baby daughter has been enjoying this book since she was 3 months old. I can see her appreciating it more and more as she matures. A lovely classic!
Mummy Bear 16, 06 August 2015
We read this from the board version. Emily loved to turn the page as and listen to the rhyme! We could also search for things in the pictures.
Mi5s_k, 25 June 2015
This was a present off a friend when Charlotte was born. We have read it several times and look forward to playing I spy when she is older. The illustrations are fabulous
LouiseH, 24 June 2015
A classic book that I remember from my childhood. It's a lovely rhyming story & I look forward to my baby being able to find the characters as she gets older.
H4ppyreader, 11 June 2015
I read this book myself as a child and have been reading it to my son since he was a baby. Now he is 6 he reads it to his baby sister and helps her find the characters. It's a great book for children and is perfect for older siblings to read to their younger brothers or sisters.
Colezilla&Robyn, 03 June 2015
I remember reading this when i was little so it was one of the first books i bought for my little boy when i was pregnant. Its a lovely interactive book for all the family for all ages. I love any book that rhymes but this is a classic. My son is 8 months and me and my husband read it and point out the characters to him. A book that will grow with him and he will then one day read to his children like i am doing now.
jadey88, 20 May 2015
We love reading this book together. Baby tries to hold it whilst I get a bit tongue tied. We love it when everyone gets together in the end for Plum Pie.
Raz Bear, 20 May 2015
My daughters love searching for the characters hidden in the pictures they never get bored of this one however many times we read it
3littlebears, 26 April 2015
I love this book, as does my daughter. She has it since she was a baby and still at 3 years old she asks me to read it. She loves how it sounds and specially find the familiar characters on the book's pages. It's a winner! :)
Danielle, 04 March 2015
My daughter loves finding the characters in this book.
LJLane1118, 06 February 2015
Loved this book as a little girl which made me want to read it to mine and she absolutely loves it
angelbonnie, 21 January 2015
Great to read with your young child as they try to spot the characters in the pictures.
Fairydust, 18 December 2014
My daughter loves this book! She loves trying to spot all the characters. She especially loves Baby Bunting. I remember reading this book as a child, so it is nice to be able to share it with my little girl.
Tessa3705, 19 April 2014
my daughter loves listening to this book. great to share
suha, 04 March 2014
A nice interactive story before bed. I ask my son to point to the different animals on the pages.
Al, 01 March 2014
This is a lovely book to read to my 5 week old. He really listens as I'm reading. I remember this book from when I was small.
Bob2112, 02 February 2014
My baby was given this book by his Auntie and we have been enjoying it since he was born. The illustrations are lovely and we like to both turn the pages and read the rhymes
Angelique, 07 November 2013
The pichers in Each Peach Pear Plum are realy funny and the book is intresting and there are lot's of differant characters like mother huberd,Jack and Jill,three bears,Tom Thunb and i liked reading the book.
Isabel, 21 October 2013
i like this book because it is fun.
Eva, 21 October 2013
I love this book because it makes little kids smile.
Leah, 21 October 2013
Part of our bedtime routine, due to the nice slow rhymes. Also, we've used it since early on to help develop focus dragging a finger to the right part of the picture. Now at 10 months, he's finding the character himself on a number of pages.
Naida, 20 September 2013
We have been reading this book to our son as soon as we started reading to him. He loves it & so do we. Now he is 14.5 months old & he carefully studies the pictures on the page and can identify the ducks. It's so lovely watching him whilst we read this book to him.
Spontaneous Mummy, 17 May 2013
My daugther enjoyed this book so much we have read it hundreds of times already
Mini Malf, 15 January 2013
I bought this for Harry because it was one of my favourite books when I was a little girl. Harry loves looking at the pictures
mandyb2, 18 September 2012
I like this book because I like the rhymes and looking for the characters in the pictures. Mummy also likes this book and tells me about the characters
Bethan , 31 July 2012
Our favourite book, not only is this Sophie's favourite, it was my favourite as a child too. Enjoy looking for the hidden characters in the beautiful illustrations from page to page. The rhymes make this book memorable and fun to read time and time again. Every child should have this book to cherish.
Sophies mummy, 08 June 2012
My daughter was given this book by her cousin and has loved it from about 15 months. She even reads it now, at 3.5! Great rhymes and she still loves spotting the characters.
LCL100, 27 March 2012
Love, love this book. My two and a half year old knows all the characters and 'reads' the book to me now!
Lexi, 01 March 2012
this is my favourite my mummy has read it to me lots of times now I can read it all by myself
drewb, 28 February 2012
My little boy loved this book at every turn, such a fun loveing book to share
harrybear, 27 February 2012
I just remember this book from when I was little and am so glad that my girls love it too
MyMyMummy, 12 February 2012
My husband picked this up with a few other books from a charity shop. Our daughter loves it, and we've read it over and over and over again :-)
Dalriada7, 11 February 2012
This was one of the first board books I bought for my baby; a classic addition to a child's library.
Skirgo, 10 February 2012
My daughter has just starting to bring this book to me to read and its the only thing that keeps her quiet. She loves it
JILLY.BROOKE, 24 January 2012
One of the first books I shared with my son, we spent time looking at the pictures for all the different characters, I've read it that many times now I know it by heart but he never tires of it.
Trillianne, 18 January 2012
This book is beautiful. My two love finding all the characters hidden in the pages and it flows from page to page. I find it very good for a calm down read. Will be passed on. Can't fault it.
Pen, 08 December 2011
My daughter loves this book, the pictures are great and she really enjoys finding the different characters in them. It is her choice of book when she wants to read.
Purpletigger, 17 November 2011
This book has delightful illustrations where the children can find their favourite characters and great rhyming pattern.
victoriajacks25, 05 November 2011
A wonderful book to share with my son. It makes him smile, which is just lovely.
Iamhobbs, 29 July 2011
One of my daughter's faves she know this book of by heart now. A great book and helps them to learn as well FAB :)
Mea&Grace, 14 July 2011
When I read this lovely story to my 15-week-old daughter her face lit up as I was reading it – that's priceless.
mummybear85, 28 June 2011
This is a perfect first book for little ones. They can even enjoy it over a Zoom call.