5 fantastic farmyard books 14/03/25
Don't Wipe Your Bum with a Hedgehog
Publisher: Doubleday Children's Books
No, really, don't ever wipe your bum with a hedgehog. Or visit a funfair with a full stomach. And, whatever you do, never EVER pick your nose after chopping chillies. These are just three of the hilarious hints, tips and witty words of wisdom brought together in this bumper book of words to live by, from the ever popular Mitchell Symons. Alongside explanations of well known proverbs are Mitchell's top tips to help you get by, ranging from the funny, to the sensible, to the downright ridiculous.
A side-splitting choice for children who love a laugh out loud read and perfect for those who like to dip in and out of a book.
What you thought...
Average rating:
Joshua, 29 January 2021
I love it so much it is eorsom
al, 24 April 2015
I think this book is very good. I like all the the jokes and facts in it. Also the pictures.
Steven, 07 March 2013
Very good
Tarik, 07 March 2013
it was a sick book yea and it was bear funny
Umair, 04 February 2013
this book was obviously trying to make me laugh, sadly it was not up to my taste in book but im shur it would have been a good book for my little sister to read.
olivia, 04 February 2013
This book is funny but quite easy to read. Although it is easy it does take time to read as you get a bit bored after a while. It's best to read in short sessions. One of my favourite parts of this book is the moronic tales section at the back. When I first read this I couldn't stop laughing.
Max, 03 February 2013
Don't wipe your bum with a hedgehog is full of silly facts and advice on life. It is very entertaining and you can pick it and enjoy for 5 minutes or half an hour. I recommend it to anyone after a bit of a giggle.
Jamie, 03 February 2013
Don't wipe your bum with a hedgehog is a very funny book and it has some brilliand funny facts and facts that are very serious.
William, 15 December 2012
This book has won 2 whole times on BLUE PETER BEST BOOK AWARD FOR FACTS
Diana, 13 December 2012
'Don't Wipe Your Bum with a Hedgehog' is an entertaining book full of interesting facts and advice. One of my favourite quotes from the book is: "Don’t worry about the world coming to an end today. It’s already tomorrow in Australia". It is incredibly humorous and contains many thoughts that have never been brought up before. Although this book is aimed mainly for children, I personally loved reading it, and would recommend it to anyone with a good sense of humour. Out of five ...
Zahra, 10 December 2012
This book is funny and wacky - read it
Jordan, 10 December 2012
Its funny and entertaining
leah, 09 December 2012
Dont wipe your bum with a hedgehog was a really funny and halairious book full of great and wacky top tips for-life. One of my faivoirite tips in the book was never play leap frog with a unicorn because it made me laugh for ages and its also helpful because you get an idea of the sort of things you should'nt jump over. The book was really good because it isnt just a thick few blocks of writing you get bored of, its a reasonably sized book with bulletpoints that will stick in your head for ...
Aiden, 04 December 2012
this book is a very good book and it is extremely funny and is good for having a laugh with mates and you get good advice about wiping your bum with a hedgehog.
nathan, 04 December 2012
I think this book is a good and a fun book, it is very truthful and make sure you dont wipe your bum with a hedgehog.
Sophie, 04 December 2012
This book is the best funny book i have ever read the jokes are brillient.
callum, 27 November 2012
this book is all about jokes and having fun it also includes top tips on how to have fun i would reccomend this book to children if they want to have fun
callum, 27 November 2012
dont wipe ur bum with a hedgehog is very good and inspiring it gives us kids information and advice on how to live our high school lives. I think more books should be made like this book what i find funny is this joke that mitchell symons wrote why buy shampoo when real poo is free.another good book mitchell symons wrote is how much poo does and elephant do.i would rate this book 9 out of 10 because it is very good because the authors based it on us kids.but i dont really know if hedgehogs...
fizan, 27 November 2012
This is a very funny book yet it gives me great advice such as save 10p of your spending money and if you and a friend being chased by an angry dog don’t worry about outrunning the dog just outrun your friend some of the funny extracts consist of why buy shampoo when real poo is free and never put both feet into your mouth because you will not have 1 to walk on this is an amazing book I recommend this book over the others
Robert, 27 November 2012
this book is very stupid but funny at the same time but most are stupid e.g why use shampoo when real poo is free
lauren, 27 November 2012
This book is very funny and random I love it. I will be looking for more of this author.
daisy, 24 November 2012
Don't wipe your bum with a Hedgehog is a really funny book giving advice of real like. My favourite part of the book is when on page 147 the boys says" oh dear... I hope that toilet on page 53 gets here soon". I would recommend other people to read this book.
Zechariah, 23 November 2012
this book is the best in the world it is very very funny and is worth 100 stars
damian, 22 November 2012
This is the most hilarious book I have ever read and most of the stuff inside could come true . LOL !!!!!! :)
Chloe, 18 November 2012
the book is relay funny i really want to read it!!!
daisy, 15 November 2012
It was fun fun and funny to read
Tom, 13 November 2012
I love this book so much is funny and when i saw the video it change my mind from love to fantastic.
Nikki, 12 November 2012
I think this book is a relly good book if you have a good humor and has alot of pictures.
Miah, 23 October 2012
This book is a very funny and intresting
Athena, 22 October 2012
This book looks very funny
ruuaann, 16 October 2012
Hilarious book! I'd recommend it to anyone.
Miss Hingston, 09 October 2012
this book is hilarious very hilarious i would recommend this book for people who would like to have a laugh
Amirah, 27 September 2012
Are you a Comedian..... u r funny BTW (by the way) please dont edit or reject this message keep writing your books i will keep reading your books.
Timzyx, 26 September 2012
It is an amazing book
Micheal, 20 September 2012
Well when i first read the title, i was like not the book for me because, i don't like those kind of books, but when i checked this video up, and read the description, i found out it was rather FUNNY and GOOD!
Nuruleine, 17 September 2012
looks a very funny book i have another book of his and its very good and thats 'why does ear wax taste so gross' and i would recommend that.
Joel, 17 September 2012
great book
Thomas, 13 September 2012
this book was so funny and i recommend it to all ages from 7 up
katelyn, 06 September 2012
If you're after a laugh a minute, then pick up this gem. Dip into it at your leisure, but you may, like me, be hooked after your first dip! You'll laugh-out-loud and knowingly snigger at each turn of the page.
Mike, 31 August 2012
The title is so funny I could say "I can see my butt and your face at the same time!" for 100 years.