Dancing in My Nuddy-pants!

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Book four in the Georgia Nicholson series

Publisher: HarperCollins

Angst-ridden teenage heroine, Georgia Nicolson, hilariously reflects on the trials, tribulations and occasional delights of adolescence, recorded in minute-by-minute diary form.

This fourth book in the series sees Georgia suffering her usual problems with boys and school, continuing her on/off relationship with the Sex God and Dave the Laugh, and enduring the embarrassing behaviour of her parents.

But despite her casual talk of 'red-bottomosity,' 'trouser snake addendums,' and of course, 'nuddy-pants,' she is in fact a very moral and restrained teenager - the only unplanned pregnancy in the book is the one bestowed by Georgia's cat, Angus, on Naomi, the kitten next door.

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