Chwedlau’r PySgwod

Publisher: Gwasg Carreg Gwalch

Mae’r nofel hwyliog yma gan gyn Fardd Plant Cymru, Anni Llŷn, yn tywys darllenwyr ifanc ar anturiaethau tanfor gyda chriw o greaduriaid arbennig Y PySgwod. Gydag enwau fel Mori y Macrell, Lobo y Cimwch a Gutun y Gragen Las wedi cyplysu â chartwnau doniol Mei Mac, mae’r nofel yn tynnu sylw plant at amrywiaeth a hynodrwydd bywyd o dan y don. Ar ddechrau’r llyfr cawn gyflwyniad ac ychydig o hanes am bob un o aelodau'r PySgwod a’u pwerau arbennig. Yna daw’r holl sgwod at ei gilydd i achub y dydd rhag drygioni'r siarcod a’r octopysau.

In this fun-filled novel, Anni Llŷn, a previous Bardd Plant Cymru, guides young readers on an underwater adventure with a motley crew of underwater creatures called The PySgwod. With names such as Mori Macrell, Lobo y Cimwch and Gutun y Gragen Las and coupled with humorous cartoons by Mei Mac, the novel draws children’s attention to the diversity and wonder of underwater life. At the beginning of the novel we are introduced to each member of the PySgwod and their special powers. Further on in the novel the PySgwod combine these special powers to save the day and the seabed from the dangers of the troublesome sharks and octopuses.


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