Using fiction to smash stereotypes 21/03/25
Carrie's War
Publisher: Puffin
During World War II, Carrie and her younger brother Nick are evacuated to Wales and billeted with the fierce old shopkeeper Mr Evans and his mousy sister, Louise.
Unhappy in their new home, they are delighted to have the chance to visit fellow evacuee Albert Sandwich at Druid's Bottom, the strange household of Hepzibah Green, who knows magical stories, and Mister Johnny, who speaks a language all his own. But then Carrie makes a mistake, which has terrible, unforseen consequences.
Inspired by Nina Bawden's own experiences of living as an evacuee in a Welsh mining valley as a child, Carrie's War is now considered a modern classic. Funny, sad and thought-provoking, it provides young readers with an insight into some of the complexities and ambiguities of the adult world, albeit with a heartwarming, happy ending.
Books about World War II
From classic favourites to more recent titles, these books for children take a variety of different approaches to representing the events of World War II.
Best books for 9-11 year olds
Take a look at our pick of the best books for 9-11 year olds from the last 100 years.
Children's books set in Wales
Wales lends itself naturally to some brilliant stories, with its incredible, varied scenery and many myths and legends: dragons and witches and tales of King Arthur. Here are just a few of our favourites for you to check out.
100 best children's books from the past 100 years: The full list
Explore our list of what we think are the 100 best books for children from the last 100 years.
What you thought...
Average rating:
Henley, 06 September 2023
it was very interesting and me and my friend enjoyed it
Mia, 26 August 2022
Just truly amazing!!!
Anonymous, 22 August 2021
very entrancing
rowan, 14 July 2020
It was very good
Anonymous, 12 December 2019
I like this book as it is really interesting
Ben, 12 December 2019
Thus book was great
Olivia and Tahlia, 12 December 2019
fabulous darling absolutely spiffing
bobby, 07 December 2018
ella, 17 February 2017
I think this book is entertaining me lots of time i have read this book five times. The author of this book is mysecond favourite author.
mh, 14 January 2017
I love this book it had a lot of description in it :)
Orpa, 17 December 2016
WOW I thought that book was amazing I could read it all day keep it up Nina
Gracie, 14 December 2016
Rose, 13 December 2016
This book was so good and i loved it, i almost cried with laughter and it is just my favourite book!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rosalita, 07 November 2016
Best book I've read in my life
Reader, 15 October 2016
noone, 28 September 2016
Good, although I just read chapter one.
Bad Boy, 12 September 2016
I love this book so much that I will die for it.
Gabby, 26 July 2016
I loved
Eve, 01 June 2016
Never found a book better than Carrie's war
Elise, 15 May 2016
Very good. very well of words
sparkle, 16 April 2016
Really enjoyed this book
Grace, 13 April 2016
It is a good book
Megan, 20 February 2016
A wonderful book challenge but still a great book. The reason I am giving it 4 stars is because I think it could have been a bit more heart warming and a bit more better words than said.
Renee, 10 February 2016
It was better than my favourite book.
Charlie, 20 January 2016
I enjoy reading this book in school, this book was very interesting. I also enjoyed watching the movie, and i found the movie and the book different but they were similar.
kitty, 19 January 2016
I read this book at school and we all had so much fun reading this, such a good children's book and so much to talk and learn about.
rosie, 12 January 2016
Carrie`s War was set within world war II when Hitler raged War against most of Europe and other countries. The book is about Carrie, who tells her children about what happened within the time of the blitz – how she and her younger brother nick get evacuated to the countryside with the grumpy old Mr Evans and his timid sister which they later call Auntie Lou. They thus encounter Albert Sandwich once again, who is much luckier than the pair of them, who has been evacuated with Hepzibah...
Zeerak.k, 16 December 2015
WOW! what an AMAZING book, I loved it SOOOO much, keep up the good work Nina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Grace, 12 December 2015
I find carrie's war very interesting and would give it a thumbs up. !'!! recommend that you read it.
Hafsa, 07 November 2015
I loved the book, as it was full of characteristics, emotion and inspirationa!.
Cardwell, 05 November 2015
i love this book. I am reading it in school and plus my topic is World War Two. This has excellent information and is really educational but also enjoyable to read and watch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!m 😃
Emily, 25 October 2015
Best book in whole entire world well done Nina xx
lauren, 07 October 2015
It really good
hodalis, 04 October 2015
I really enjoyed the review on the book. I am hoping to read the book
Twinsie, 05 September 2015
Amrita, 02 September 2015
it was a very best book of war
Ahmer, 25 June 2015
This book was amazing
Max, 18 June 2015
Fab book from a child's perspective.
HW, 08 April 2015
This book is for boys and girls. The first time I read it some of it made me cry and some parts were amazing aswell.
Michelle, 05 April 2015
Soo Good!
Amber, 25 January 2015
I read it with school and instantly fell in love with it age 9-12
amber11, 24 January 2015
I read this with my class and fell in love with it instantly I would totally read it again.
amber11, 24 January 2015
Two words: Amazing and sad. A great read for girls or boys.
Molly, 17 December 2014
amazing wonderful AWESOME!!
happy101, 26 June 2014
I'm still reading in school I thought so far its really good but I think mister Jonny is going to speak probly
Chloe, 09 April 2014
wonderful amazing sad lovey
Helen, 24 February 2014
I love this book & still read it now thirty years after reading it for the first time! Carrie & her younger brother Nick are evacuated during the second workd war to wales & end up living with timid Auntie Lou & her much older brother stern shopkeeper Mr Evans. The children encounter wonderful charecters such as Mr Evans estranged sister well to do Mrs Gotobed, her deceased husbands disabled cousin Johnny, the housekeeper "wise woman" Hepzibah Green & fellow evacuee Alb...
David, 31 October 2013
I love this book because it is cool