11 brilliant rewilding books 20/03/25
Bookshop Girl
Publisher: Hot Key Books
With a mere four weeks to save Greysworth’s only bookshop from demolition, while also trying to master the skill of committing baggy, saggy, dangly bits to paper at a life-drawing class, it’s a wonder Paige isn’t more traumatised!
As she and best friend Holly harness the power of social media, slogan t-shirts and a good old-fashioned sit-in, they seem to be on a roll. But is Blaine Henderson, art school heart-throb and self-promoting anarchist, just a distraction or a potential threat to their plans?
A funny, accessible and absorbing first novel with a couple of feisty heroines, ready to fight for a cause they believe in. It celebrates friendship, loyalty and the joy of reading while sharing cautionary advice about excessive male grooming.
Favourite funny books (teens)
Some of the funniest books around are teen's books, so you're in for a treat with these favourites below. Be careful, though - there's a danger of actual tears and serious stomach-hurt from doubling-over with laughter. Don't say we didn't warn you!