Using fiction to smash stereotypes 21/03/25
11 brilliant rewilding books 20/03/25
Be Plastic Clever
Publisher: DK
This book, written by Kids Against Plastic founders Amy and Ella Meek, explains everything we need to know about the problem of plastic, in full but digestible detail - for example, the difference between essential (ie medical) and avoidable plastics - and why recycling isn't enough. It also illustrates why bioplastics, which are often touted as eco-friendly, actually can't be recycled and don't really compost down.
The book offers some great solutions for young eco-conscious people trying to reduce their plastic use, and looks at the lives of great activists for inspiration - from Gandhi to the most famous environmental campaigner of her generation, Greta Thunberg.
This is a well written and empowering book on how young people can make a difference. Even though there is a lot of information here for a young audience, the book is well designed and acccessible with lovely illustrations and engaging layouts. A much needed book for young people who want to get their facts right, and help them encourage the adults they know into living a more eco-friendly lifestyle.
Eco-warriors and activists
From fighting plastic to shutting down fast fashion, explore our list of practical guides for those who want to change the world for the better.
Plastic Free July
Ready to ditch the plastic? You can be part of the solution to the plastic problem harming our environment by joining in with Plastic Free July - and we've picked our favourite books to help children get involved with reducing plastic waste