20 shorter reads for teenagers 17/03/25
Are We There Yet?
Publisher: Andersen Press
A little boy is on the way to his Grandma's birthday party in the car with mum and dad, but after the first hour, the journey gets more and more boring. But as the little boy feels the hours ahead weigh heavy on the horizon, his imagination (or is it?) takes the car further and further into the past until there's a very real possibility that he and his mum and dad might be eaten by a dinosaur! Neither does it work to wish time away too fast, the family end up in the future and Grandma's house isn't even there anymore! Finally, the best thing is to try and stay in the moment, the place where all the best things happen.
This stylish but accessible slightly graphic novel-style picture book for older children is structured so that readers have to turn the book upside down and back again to follow the story, echoing the themes of going forwards and backwards in time. The message about enjoying the moment you're in and not wishing it away is a perennial one for children, and Are We There Yet? has a similarly charming life-as-journey feel to Dr Seuss' Oh The Places You'll Go, ensuring its appeal to young and older readers.
Books to inspire your imagination
These picture books are all about the power of imagination: be inspired to imagine new worlds and new words with your children!
Books to help your child feel more calm and mindful
Why should adults get all the self-help books? You can also find some lovely reads and activities for youngsters who need a little extra support to feel relaxed, mindful, grateful, inspired and happy.
What you thought...
Average rating:
Jaida Elsawy, 02 June 2022
This book is so good it could be one of my favourites