Using fiction to smash stereotypes 21/03/25
Arabel's Raven
Publisher: Frances Lincoln
A new edition of a much-loved classic by the immensely popular Joan Aiken.
When Arabel’s father finds an injured raven in the road, he’s not sure what to do apart from bring him home to his animal-loving daughter Arabel. Of course, Mortimer turns the household and eventually the whole town upside down, whether he’s caught up in a robbery or accidentally ‘haunting’ a tube station.
The whole book has a touch of the surreal, which children will love, as Mortimer makes the everyday ridiculous: the family discovering him in the fridge is a great comedy scene. Full of humour and loveable, laugh-aloud characters. Charmingly illustrated by the great Quentin Blake, most famous for his illustrations for Roald Dahl’s books.