5 fantastic farmyard books 14/03/25
Animals Up Close
Publisher: Dorling Kindersley
Did you know that you can count the ring patterns on a tortoise’s shell to find out how old they are? Or that seahorses are actually fish?
Animals Up Close showcases over thirty creatures with close-up photographic images and simple facts about how they live and the special adaptations they have that help them survive. From the tree-climbing Racer Snake and fruit-eating Fire-Tufted Barbet to the tiny, super-cute Harvest Mouse, a selection of animals from land, sea and air are all included.
Flick through this book, dip in and out, read it cover to cover, or just enjoy looking at the photographs. Which creature have you never heard of before? Which one has the most surprising adaptation? And which one will be your favourite?
What you thought...
Average rating:
daniel, 29 March 2021
this is a great book for learning new animals and finding out surprising facts you did not know
oscar, 24 November 2020
I think it was a really good book to learn about new facts. I thought it was amazing and I enjoyed learning all about the animals. It was wonderful to learn about the swallowtail butterfly. I didn’t know a Mandarin fish has tiny holes around their body to swim in water, sense danger or a possible meal. I really recommend this book to all animal lovers out there.
Maisy, 23 November 2020
Animals close up is a great book with tons of cool facts on a variety of animals. It also has a lot of detailed pictures
Kahlan, 20 November 2020
This book was really interesting and I enjoyed it very much!
India, 19 November 2020
josh, 29 June 2020
i love this book