What to Read After... Isadora Moon 28/03/25
Using fiction to smash stereotypes 21/03/25
Angel Dares
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Joss Stirling writes under a number of different names and in several different, engaging and exciting styles. This is the fifth in a series set in twenty-first-century teenage territory, featuring a group of 'savants', ordinary people each with an additional gift, who can communicate telepathically. In common with her peers, Angel's ability to manipulate water is usually used in a light-hearted way, but each of her savant friends has also found their gift to be vital to their survival in tricky situations.
The teenage pop world makes an engaging setting, and the quest for each savant to discover their 'soulfinder' - the person who they will love and whose own gift will be enhanced by the others - makes an exciting adventure.
What you thought...
Average rating:
Issy, 31 January 2019
aishah, 31 August 2018
Excellent book
P, 12 December 2015
Amazing book but a bit slow. Otherwise fab book. Recommend to everyone x