5 Fantastic Farmyard Books 14/03/25
Publisher: Bloomsbury Children's Books
After falling out with her friends, Amy is lonely and turns to the internet for consolation. The book is written as a transcript of Amy's recorded acount to the police of the events leading up to her date with a boy she has met through the internet, and includes their email conversations.
Although the denouement is not as serious as it could be, the book highlights the dangers of chatroom dating and contains some very sound advice about how to use the internet sensibly, and how to avoid getting into a situation like Amy's. An extremely topical story about the dangers of internet chatrooms and date-rape drugs.
What you thought...
Average rating:
Nobody, 19 May 2016
the book made me learn if i fall out with my friends to fix it
bob, 15 May 2014
Very Good, Amazing!
Sarah, 04 February 2013
the book was amazing and i really got into the book i could not stop reading it make more bookslike these please because this is the only book i was really intrested in
lily, 24 March 2012
Sounds great!