5 Fantastic Farmyard Books 14/03/25
Ahmed and the Feather Girl
Publisher: Frances Lincoln Children's Books
Ahmed, a poor orphan boy, works for a travelling circus, run by the cruel Madame Saleem. One day he finds a beautiful golden egg in the woods and brings it back to the circus. From the egg hatches a little girl, Aurelia, and in time she grows feathers on her back. Madame Saleem keeps Aurelia in a cage as her star attraction.
But when Ahmed sees that Aurelia is miserable and needs to fly, he sets her free. Each night Aurelia appears to Ahmed in a dream and gives him a feather, and he begins to feel hope once more.
This beautiful fairy tale story of hope and dreams is enchanting. Jane Ray's illustrations are truly magical. A wonderful book to keep and treasure.
Great stories to read out loud
As it's National Story Telling Week this February, here are some of the best stories and poems to read out loud.
What you thought...
Average rating:
ammar, 23 September 2016
it tells us about hope