Great Books Guide Cymru 2024-25
Here are over 100 books from the last year that we think are great – and so will children.
BookTrust programmes in Wales
Bookstart in Wales
Through Bookstart, BookTrust Cymru gives every child in Wales their own books to have at home and supports families to read together regularly.
Letterbox Club in Wales
Find out more about how Letterbox Club is delivered in Wales.
Pori Drwy Stori
Free resources for children as they start Reception class in all maintained schools in Wales: an exciting bilingual programme to support children’s literacy and numeracy, funded by the Welsh Government.
Do you work with children aged 0-5 in Wales?
Sign up to our newsletters for regular updates about our activities, resources and training for practitioners and teachers.
Great books in Welsh and English
We've put together lists of some of our favourite children's books in Welsh and English.
Llyfrau Gwych ar gyfer Babanod yn y Gymraeg a’r Saesneg / Great Books for Babies in Welsh and English
Ydych chi’n chwilio am lyfrau Cymraeg neu Saesneg i’w darllen i’ch baban?
Are you looking for books to read to your baby in Welsh or English?
Llyfrau gwych i blant derbyn yn Gymraeg a Saesneg / Great books for reception school children in Welsh and English
Mae rhaglen Pori Drwy Stori Derbyn yn ysbrydoli cariad at lyfrau, storïau a rhigymau yng Nghymru. Rydyn ni wedi dewis rhai o’n hoff lyfrau a all helpu i ddatblygu sgiliau siarad, gwrando a rhifedd.
Our Pori Drwy Stori Reception programme inspires a love of books, stories and rhymes in Wales. We’ve picked out some of our favourite books that can help develop …
Llyfrau mydr ac odl yn Gymraeg a Saesneg / Rhyming books in Welsh and English
Dyma ddetholiad o lyfrau i’w rhannu sy’n anelu i hybu ag annog hwyl a mwynhad o rannu rhigwm ar gyfer plant yng Nghymru oed 0-5, yn Gymraeg a Saesneg.
Here is a selection of books to share with children that aims to promote and encourage fun and enjoyable rhyme sharing for children in Wales aged 0-5, in Welsh and English.
Latest resources for Wales
Adroddiad Effaith Clwb y Blwch Llythyrau 2024
Yn yr adroddiad hwn, rydyn ni’n rhannucanfyddiadau allweddol o’r hyn a ddysgwydyn rheolaidd gennym oddi wrth blant sy...
Quick links
Have fun sharing rhymes
Have fun sharing rhymes with your child. Sing along to our audio rhymes or download our...
Listen to Bookstart stories
We've recorded some of our Bookstart stories in both Welsh and English for you to enjoy...
Book Talk activities
Find all the Book Talk story resources. Listen to the stories and download activities f...