Errol’s Garden

Publisher: Child’s Play

Errol loves gardening, but he doesn’t have a garden and is fast running out of space to grow any more plants in his family’s flat. Then he comes up with a very creative solution, thanks to the discovery of a disused area at the top of his apartment block.

After a bit of research and consultation, he sets out to transform the grey and neglected space into a magical celebration of flowers, plants and vegetables. And along the way, Errol also brings together the entire community.

This is a simple but hugely engaging book with universal appeal. Its heartwarming messages are delivered through vibrant and highly appealing artwork. This is also a rare book in its ability to reflect so very many aspects of our diverse society equally, casually and convincingly. Errol himself is from a BAME (Black, Asian, and minority ethnic) background and wears glasses. Meanwhile, a child with an eye patch, a wheelchair user and different family structures are also included without comment.

Simply a delight, from beginning to end.

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