The 78-Storey Treehouse

(2 reviews with an average rating of 5 out of 5)

Publisher: Macmillan

Andy and Terry live in the world’s coolest treehouse – which is now 78 storeys high! It’s got a drive-thru car wash, a giant unhatched egg, and its very own courtroom, among many, many other cool things.

But when Andy and Terry decide to make their adventures into a film, Mr Big Shot, a famous film director, decides that Terry is a LAUGH RIOT and a born action star, whereas there’s no room in the movie for Andy the narrator. Disappointed, Andy heads off to Andyland, but unfortunately the other Andys react to the news about the film in a way he couldn’t have predicted.

There’s tons of zany fun in this illustrated novel, which is the fifth in the series. With minimal text per page and brilliant black-and-white illustrations taking up most of the space, the story zips past at lightning speed and is a really easy, funny read.

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